The Jestina Mukoko Foundation (JMF) was founded by long time Zimbabwean human rights champion and outgoing Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP). JMF is an idea that is now set to come to life on 3 December 2023. This date is very significant as it marks 15 years since Jestina Mukoko was abducted by state agents on 3 December 2008 and her life transformed. 15 years later, the JMF comes to life signifying a life of struggle, tenacity and triumph. Since then, Jestina has worked with ZPP to document and expose human rights violations and with communities to identify and map conflict and build community resources to transform the conflict. As Jestina turns a new chapter in her journey, she reflects on what this means for her.
JMF envisions a society in which victims and survivors of human rights violations regain their dignity and thrive in their communities.
To provide a sanctuary for the healing and restoration of victims and survivors of human rights violations.
For Jestina Mukoko, it has never been enough to simply document human rights violations. While it is important to expose the perpetrators, Jestina believes that the real work has not started until society starts working on restoring the dignity of the victims and survivors. This work is difficult in a situation in which repression still exists and it remains difficult to establish a safe space. JMF will strive to be that space, even in the heart of repression, because victims and survivors cannot afford the luxury of waiting for the perfect conditions.